Training & Development courses

Starting a business takes a lot. Growing, leading, and developing a successful business requires even more. The great news is: you can do it! With my Marketing & Coaching background, I have developed a series of in-depth courses on important topics to help small businesses begin, grow, and flourish.

Everybody needs a little help with what they don’t know. This is what I’m passionate about: helping companies gain confidence through knowledge, to carry them forward in their many years of business.

Let me teach you to get you where you want to go.

Growing a business

There are many different ways to grow a business these days. If you’ve recently launched you might be thinking… what now? What’s next? Effectively understanding who you are as a business, can help propel you to answer those questions. But there really is a lot to think about.

In this training, you’ll get to understand the steps necessary to take in order to prepare you to understand how you want to grow, what opportunities are there for growth, and all the answers to ‘what’s next’?

Discover with me the way forward.

marketing for Small Businesses

In this course, I educate your company on all the ways that marketing needs to be thought of. You’re an expert in your field. But you’re looking for more effective ways to share who you are.

In this course, I educate you on all things marketing: tools, when/how to use them, how to set up and establish a brand, strategizing your digital marketing, how to perform a market analysis, and so on.

Become equipped with the skills to successfully run your business in-house.

business development & growth strategies

If you’ve taken Marketing for Small Businesses you’ll intimately understand that having a strategy is extremely important. Taking it further… knowing how to execute is what differentiates companies.

In this course, I teach you how to effectively sell your company, how to reach the right audiences, where to do so, and why staying true to your brand is important.

starting a business

There are many bits and pieces to starting a business, or becoming your own Consultant. You have a great idea, offer a great service, but the business has many moving parts and you don’t know where to start.

With experience starting my own business and helping a franchise start from scratch, in this program I teach you the ins and the outs of what you need to think of to do just that: start. Sometimes, that’s the hardest part.

Starting a Business:
The Required Steps

LEadership Development &
team training

It’s no secret that great teams make all the difference. Leadership is changing. Wants/needs/desires of employees has shifted dramatically. Coaching is a proven leadership technique to optimize performance.

I am a Certified Executive Coach. I have experienced what coaching can do for others and I want to teach you how to do it yourself for your team and what it means.

Become a better leader.

digital marketing: BUILDING YOU ONLINE

Keywords for this program: building YOU online. You have your brand established, a mission, vision and values. You know what you need to do, but now you need to bring YOU into it. You probably understand by now that you need a digital marketing presence and it’s a lot to take on. My advice: do it once and do it right.

This course is for educating you on what a digital marketing strategy is, how to do it effectively, what you need to think of, and building the confidence that you can do it yourself.

Digital Marketing:
Building Your Online Presence

What to expect

  • 21-25 instructional hours per program

  • 1-on-1 education with a Marketing & Coaching professional with over a decade of experience

  • Delivered either virtually or in-person (Edmonton)

  • A workbook curated with content from our instructional sessions

  • A Certificate of Achievement

**My programs meet the criteria for those Alberta businesses who are eligible to apply for the Alberta Job Grant to receive 2/3 of the total cost. Reach out to learn more, or follow this link to see if you qualify!!

Custom Workshops.

Smaller in scale, big in results.

  • Team Facilitation

    A team operating at its best is something to be reckoned with. A high performing team makes all the difference, no matter the industry. Optimize individual talents and skills, and effectively build your team to achieve the growth desired.

  • Leadership development

    Helping leaders enhance their abilities in areas such as strategic thinking, communication, team management, and change leadership. This program is designed to empower leaders at all levels, from emerging leaders to C-suite executives, to excel in their roles and drive organizational growth.

  • Market & brand analysis

    Understanding your business, your message, and your competition allows me to help you narrow in your focus areas with your marketing tactics. Where are you now compared to where you want to be? This workshop takes an in-depth look at whether your brand is aligned with your business strategy, and ensuring consistency in your marketing. How is the business living in to their mission, vision, and values?
    This workshop can be done both as an analysis on an individual (personal) brand, or a company brand.

  • Mentor & Coaching Skills

    Leaders need to lead in a different way than before. Coaching has grown to become an integral part of a mentor and leader’s skill-set. This workshop is designed to equip leaders with the necessary skills to run a successful team, backed by the idea that Coaching is an effective means to team members’ buy-in and, generally, overall job satisfaction.